Goth Licks Worm, Pangolin Gawks
Zeb cautiously advances toward the shock worm, every step careful and measured. The shock worm remains eerily still, perhaps confused by Zeb's slow and deliberate approach. Finally, Zeb reaches the worm and surprises everyone by extending his tongue to gently lick the creature's head. The shock worm, stunned by this unusual act, gives no electric retaliation but instead appears dazed, possibly contemplating this unexpected interaction with a human. Pangolin watches, eyes wide with astonishment, bemused by Zeb's unorthodox method.
Electric Encounter
Agent Cooper approaches the shock worm cautiously and extends their tongue to lick it. The shock worm recoils and emits a small electric shock, causing Agent Cooper's tongue to tingle.
The Electrifying Shock Worm
Potato contemplates how to prevent the shock worm from shocking. They realize that wearing thick gloves or using long tools might keep them at a safe distance. Potato also wonders if there might be a way to cook or prepare the shock worm to neutralize its shocking ability, turning it into a safer and tastier meal.
Electric Terror in Deep Desert
The shock worm is a large, writhing creature, its body covered in a thick hide. As it moves, you can see electricity sparking along its skin.