Secret Passage in Cyberdelia
Democrates strides toward the uneven section of the wall with purpose. His senses are heightened from the adrenaline of the race, and he feels a tremor of anticipation about what he might find. As he reaches the wall, he runs his hands over the surface, feeling for the tell-tale signs of a seam or a hidden mechanism that could betray the presence of a passageway. To his trained touch, there's a slight give in one area, a panel that depresses ever so slightly when pressed. Democrates looks over his shoulder to ensure no prying eyes are upon him and presses it. With a soft click, a section of the wall slides back and to the side, revealing a narrow corridor dimly lit by strips of LED lighting running along its length. It seems as if it might be a service corridor, or perhaps it is used for more clandestine activities. Democrates takes a deep breath and steps in to explore this hidden pathway of Cyberdelia.