Corporate Duo Downed in Desert
Zeb bends down, his experienced eye assessing the condition of the Corpo Manager and Guard. He checks for a pulse on both of them and finds that they are alive, albeit unconscious. The force of Zeb's blows and the electrical charge from the stun baton rendered them incapacitated but not lethal. The Corpo Manager's chest rises and falls with shallow breaths; the Corpo Guard is in a similar state, showing signs of life with a weak but steady pulse. They're out cold, but they'll live.
Corporate Downfall on Desert Road
Zeb quickly begins to pat down the unconscious bodies of the Corpo Guard and Manager. On the Corpo Guard, he finds a set of keys with various access cards attached to it and a small datapad locked with a security code. The Corpo Manager has a wallet containing some corporate scrip and a secure access card, likely for the more sensitive areas of the facility. Zeb pockets these items, considering their potential usefulness.
Desert Encounter with Corpo Guard
Zeb quickly pats down the unconscious Corpo Guard, searching for anything of value or use. He finds a set of keys with an electronic key fob attached, likely to access secure areas within the Corpo facility, along with a handful of credits and a small, sealed packet that contains a single-use medkit—ingredients that one could use to recover from minor injuries.
Corpo Guard in Corpo Security Hut
Thraeryn focuses his energy and attempts to cast a mind control spell on the Corpo Guard. However, the guard's training and resistance prevail, and the spell fails to take hold. The guard's eyes briefly flicker with a trace of concern, but he remains steadfast in his duty.
Corpo Guard in Corpo Security Hut
B1zz0 offers the Corpo Guard a peace offering, suggesting a coke. The guard's scowl softens slightly as he considers the offer. After a moment of contemplation, he reluctantly nods and says, "Fine, I'll take a coke. But make it quick." It seems that B1zz0's offer has bought them a temporary truce with the guard.
Corpo Guard in The Deep Desert
As Zeb insults the Corpo Manager, the manager's face turns red with anger. He clenches his fists tightly, clearly offended by the remark. The Corpo Manager's recent memories of being insulted and his underlying frustration amplify his desire to retaliate.