Static View of Barren Outside
Zeb turns his attention to the video feed monitor. The image is a static-filled black and white view of the area outside the Corpo Security Hut. Through the grainy footage, Zeb can observe the dusty road leading away from the hut and the quiet expanse of the barren landscape around it. Every so often, the fly that had been buzzing around the hut lands on the screen, adding a brief moment of life to the otherwise still scene. The feed doesn't show immediate threats but reminds Zeb of the outside world waiting beyond the hut's metal walls.
Solitude and Dreams Converge
The motivational poster on the wall blinks as Zeb gives it a glance, detecting his presence. Since the space is devoid of the earlier tension, the AI seems to process a different tone for Zeb – a lone figure amidst quiet electronics. After a brief computation, the poster refreshes to display a starry backdrop with a lone astronaut floating above Earth, the words "Dare to Dream Big" gently glowing beneath the image. It's as if the poster understands Zeb's current solitude in the security hut and encourages an introspective ambition.
Irony in Motivational Imagery
The motivational poster on the wall springs to life as Nobody approaches. It flickers for a moment before settling on an image of a small kitten clinging to a branch with the classic words glowing warmly above it: "Hang in there, baby!" The AI seems to have a sense of humor—or an understanding of irony—presenting the encouraging cliché to a cybernetically-enhanced three-headed dog. The Corpo Guard lifts an eyebrow at the interaction but says nothing, keeping a watchful eye on Nobody.
Cyborg Raven's Calculated Ambush
Crom launches from Zeb's shoulder with a flurry of mechanical whirring and clicking. The corporeal embodiment of precision, he soars toward the Corpo Manager, his talons extended for a non-lethal strike. The manager, caught off guard by the sudden assault of steel and circuitry, flails in an attempt to ward off the avian assailant. Crom's attack is swift, a calculated swipe aimed at disarming the manager by knocking the clipboard from his grip.
Corpo Guard in Corpo Security Hut
Thraeryn focuses his energy and attempts to cast a mind control spell on the Corpo Guard. However, the guard's training and resistance prevail, and the spell fails to take hold. The guard's eyes briefly flicker with a trace of concern, but he remains steadfast in his duty.
video feed in Corpo Security Hut
Thraeryn looks at the grainy black and white video feed, which shows the same view as outside the window. The feed captures the dusty road stretching into the distance, with occasional tumbleweeds rolling by.
Refreshing Breeze in the Hut
As Thraeryn concentrates, a gentle breeze fills the security hut, providing some relief from the scorching heat.
Unleashing Destruction
As you trigger the neural detonator grenade, the blast radius engulfs the Corpo Guard and the Corpo Manager. Their brains explode in a gruesome display, splattering brains everywhere in the security hut.
video feed in Corpo Security Hut
The grainy black and white video feed shows the view outside the hut, which is the same view visible through the window. You see the dusty road leading to the entrance of the corporate facility, with a few cars passing by.
Corpo Security Hut
B1zz0 instructs Jarvis to display a clip of the kaiju attack that happened downtown. Upon B1zz0's command, the electronic device comes to life, projecting a holographic video feed of the destructive scene. Mark's eyes widen as he watches the chaos unfold on the display. The evidence is difficult to ignore, and the seriousness of the situation begins to sink in. Mark nods, his initial skepticism replaced by a sense of urgency. "Alright, we need to act fast. I'll initiate the evacuation protocol," he says, grateful for the warning. The hut bustles with activity as Mark starts coordinating the evacuation procedures, ensuring the safety of everyone in the area.